Single Parents

DD using 'D' word with BF

So here's the deal: My DD (2 yrs) has started calling my BF her daddy. When she talks to him, or talks about him, she calls him by his name. But when Grandma asks her if she's talked to 'daddy' lately, DD says yes, thinking of BF. Neither BF nor I forced her into it or encouraged her. It appears that she just looked at XH and BF, and decided that the one that she sees a lot and who plays with her and reads her stories (ie, dad stuff) is dad, and the other one isn't (XH is in Africa and is a deadbeat).

BF sees himself as her father figure, and that's fine - great, in fact. But I know that neither of us thinks it's a good idea for DD to call him her dad until we've sealed the deal (which we've talked about, just won't happen for a loooong while). I'm making sure that DD knows that her biological dad is XH, but I don't want to belittle the way she feels about BF.

Should I explain that BF isn't her dad, that maybe he's just a really good friend who loves her a lot? I don't want to hurt her, but I don't want to confuse her either.

Help would be super appreciated!
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