3rd Trimester

Question for GD Ladies

They just discovered that I have Gestational Diabetes after failing my 1 hr glucose test and then failing my 3 hr glucose test.  I'm already 30 weeks and that really concerns me.  Why can't they test for this earlier?  The baby is already measuring in the 85th percentile at 4 pounds 8 ounces!  Right away, I put myself on the strict diabetic diet and have been pricking my finger 4 times a day (some times even more).  My sugar has been controlled.  I just went to the doctor the other day and he said the baby looks big and healthy...but he mentioned that they need to watch my fluid levels to make sure they don't get too high.  He said mine is on the higher side of normal...  what does this mean?  I should've asked him!  As if I don't already have enough anxiety and stress over the GD, now I'm concerned that there is something else I need to worry about?  I want my baby to be okay...healthy and safe!!!  Do any of you GD ladies know what this means?

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