3rd Trimester

Almost got hit yesterday!...almost!

I am so thankful I was alert and able to avoid this accident yesterday.  I was leaving my neighborhood when a neighbor was coming towards me on the street (I was probably going 15 mph); she drives a big white suburban.  I'm literally 4 feet from her driveway when I realize she isn't paying attention and doesn't see me and is going to turn into her driveway whether I'm there or not.  I SLAM on my break and lay on the horn...everything in the car flings forward (my poor girls thank goodness were buckled up already but definitely freightened)...I swerved a bit as she started to turn and almost hit her mailbox.  She finally saw me and stopped as she was turning...my right calf muscle cramped up so I immediately put the car in park and got out to stretch it out...hurt so badly.  Stupid neighbor rolled her window down and said "sorry I wasn't paying attention, I was looking at the dogs"...I just stood there trying to get rid of my cramped calf staring at her like "you've got to be kidding me?!"...the neighbor across the street came out from the noise...I"m SO mad at this woman for not paying attention.  If I hadn't reacted and blew the horn and avoided her she would've hit me right on the drivers side door with her huge suburban (I drive a honda odyssey).  I expect flowers on my doorstep today, but somehow I doubt she feels bad and probably thinks it was my fault.  There is about a 4 foot skid mark directly infront of her driveway today.  I hope she feels like crap!
Lionyl Osborne "Lio" is here! May 23rd 2012 at 2:54am 8lbs 4oz 21inches Born at 37weeks 6days
DD #1 born 9/3/2003 - 8 years old - 3rd grade!
DD #2 born 3/22/2007 - 5 years old - in full time preschool

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