3rd Trimester

35 Week appointment..

I went to the OB last night and everything checks out fine..our little girl is about 5lbs 11oz, placenta is good..I only put on 2lbs which is amazing considering what I consumed last weekend..pressure was 124/84..He did the strep test which I have to say was uncomfortable--I know we've discussed it being sore in the nether region during pregnancy but this is ridiculous! LOL..I can't say DH and I had much sex either and I feel bad but it is just so irritated down there..groan.. :(

I told my OB I was worried about going into labor and he said "Oh you will be fine"..He was acting like giving birth was a breeze and the sono tech and my DH chimed in as well. I mean this is my first baby so I think it's natural to be anxious..I guess cause he delivers all the time he sees it as nothing..but what about for the person who has to labor? Ugh..

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