3rd Trimester

If you are trying to go into labor, don't shower!

DH and I got into a huge fight yesterday when he got home from work and I discovered that not only had he hit a deer that morning, but Lo was in the truck and he didn't think it was necessary to at least call me and tell me about it. So, as you can imagine there was a lot of screaming and swearing which brought on contractions. I started having them about 5p, and I started timing them at 9p. From about 9:30 until 11 they were consistently under 7 mins any where from 30sec to 1:30 mins long. At 11 I was getting ready to make the trip to the hospital since I'm a second timer and once I go into labor I'll need to be shipped to my specialist in another state (I guess by ambulance). Before I made that final call, I decided to get a hot shower. By the time I got out of the shower my contractions were completely gone. I went to bed and didn't have another the rest of the night :( My belly is so sore today from all the strong contractions all evening.
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