3rd Trimester

Would you be a little grossed out if your DH said this?

So earlier today, my husband was saying how his niece and nephew (in India) keep trying to get the baby's name out of him. We said we would not tell ANY family until the baby's birth. It's a surprise for everyone! Anyways, he was kind of like "Cant I just tell my niece?" and I was like "NO! I have kept it from EVERYONE the whole time! Just two weeks left!" Anyways, I suspected that he may have told them and I know they text back and forth so I admit, I checked his texts when he wasnt there... So they were asking and he didnt say anything, but his nephew asked him to set up Skype so they can see the baby when he was born. So my husband's response was "Will do. I miss my mommy! :(   " (MIL is in India and is coming out to visit in July.)

 OK, I am a little grossed out by my husband saying "I miss my mommy. :( " Would you guys be too? Or am I just overreacting? I wont say anything to him, cause then I would have to say I checked his texts... (Me bad.) but it just made him seem infantile...I mean, he is 38! I know it's one of those things to just brush off, but I think it's a little ewww....

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