3rd Trimester

sick & tired of being sick & tired....

I will be 38 weeks this Friday & I am so ready to have my LO. I have been walking around in pain for 2 1/2 days, having the "lightning" pain in my lady parts, hips hurting worse with every step, & that annoying dull pain in my lower back. I have been (sorry about being so blunt) having sex every morning before my husband goes to work & every night before going to sleep, eating spicy foods, walking non stop, and even doing pelvic rocks to try and get my LO to come down and make some kind of progress. Does anyone have any advice for me or have the same problems?? My body is just pushed to the limits & I just can't take this waiting game anymore! I am almost to the point I wanna ask my doc to strip my membrain.  I just need some advice at this point. 
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