3rd Trimester

Induction at 39 Weeks?

I had my 28 week appt today and discussed some concerns with my doctor.  One of them being that I'm due in the summer time and will be delivering in a high traffic vacation area, and may be sitting in traffic in labor (an ambulance would bring me to the closest hospital, which is one I do not want to deliever at).  My other concern was because of the loss my cousin's baby at 39w6d.

He mentioned that 10 days before my due date, he will do an internal exam to check for any dilation. He said that if I'm dilated, he can break my water once I'm 39 weeks, but no sooner. Of course, who knows what will happen when the time comes, I may go into labor sooner....

Would you let your doctor break your water at 39 weeks?

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