3rd Trimester

39 weeks and so surprised there is no progress...

Around 4 am I started getting period like cramps, some where my belly would get hard, others just bad menstrual cramps. I even timed them and were about 10-13 mins apart lasting anywhere from 30-90 seconds. I had a drs apt this morning and was eager to see what the internal exam showed. Well....nothing! No efface meant. In fact she said it is thick. I felt like I was hit with a train. I am fine with this little guy coming whenever, but I thought something was starting...and plus EVERYONE is asking me if there is progress and giving their opinion of when he will arrive. I know I just need to be patient...just venting. Please tell me someone else out there has experienced this. I am still getting the cramps, they haven't gone away yet today. They are bearable, but definitely new to me with this pregnancy. 
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