3rd Trimester

Where did all my happiness go?

Throughout my pregnany I've been in really good spirits.  I sort of made a conscious decision to look after my health and not sweat the small stuff.  I've been socially active and busy.

But entering the third trimester I barely recognize myself!  I'm suddenly tired again.  OK, so I can deal with that.  But it is more than tired.  I'm irratiable.  I was a mess towards DH last night.  He just steered clear of me.  I'm annoyed with things that I had more patience about before.  And I don't feel like getting out and being with friends whereas just two weeks ago I couldn't get enough of a social life! 

My fear is that this meloncholy will stick around the next 3 months as I become more tired and uncomfortable and continue after our baby is born.  And I certainly don't want to be short-tempered.

The 2nd tri was indeed a honeymoon period and now that is certainly over.  Is there anything to appreciate about the third trimester, other than it getting us to the point of having LO?

Any suggestions on how to deal with this sudden change in mood?

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