3rd Trimester

Feeling really down...

My husband will leave for his deployement within the next few weeks and I can't get over just being down. He's on leave right now to get things down around the house and spent time with me and our 2 boys and I just feel sad instead of enjoying myself and appreicating the time we have before he leaves. I can't get out of my mind that he won't be here when our little girl is born, and even though I have an amazing support system that will be with me, it's just not the same. I need to shake this and enjoy ourselves but, I'm beyond stressed and upset ( and so his he). And to top in all off, I'm still waiting on our lease renewel so I do not have to worry about finding another home to rent within a month of our DD being born. All our family and friends live 7 hours away and I'm feeling very alone. I have kinda expressed this to him but tried to put a smile on my face because he's upset too. Just needed to vent...
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