3rd Trimester

Membrane stripping done - c'mon baby!

Had my membranes stripped today.  My due date is April 29 although I have an induction scheduled for Friday due to low PAPPa.  Really would love to go into labor prior to being induced.  All 3 of my others were a week late, but I was also Strep B positive with them (and not with this), so the docs wouldn't strip my membranes so I'm not sure if doing it would have had any sort of effect.  Other than a bunch of cramping immediately after she was done, I haven't really noticed any increase in contractions or spotting or anything.  I was at 3cm and 50% with the baby down low.  Not quite at my 4cm that I was at for weeks with the others, but at least finally making a little progress.  Hoping I can progress enough in the next day that they can just induce me by breaking my water like they did last time and skip the Pitocin.  Not really counting on the membrane stripping to do the trick, but still being hopeful:)
Erin 2.19.06 - Carter Joseph 5.28.08 - Gavin David 6.16.10 - Liam Michael 4.29.12 - Baby Boy #4 due!
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