
When is it time to give up??

My baby is 4 weeks old today, and I have been struggling with a low supply from the start.  I have been trying many things to increase my supply and still am having no progress.  Is there a time when it is too late and my supply will not increase? 

I fully intended on breastfeeding until my LO was around 1, but unfortunately, my supply is not cooperating.  I am having a really hard time with the thought that my plan will not workout, but I also wonder if it is time to accept reality and give up hope. 

If anyone has had a similar experience and managed to increase their supply after this point, PLEASE comment!  I could use some reason to continue!  In case any of this info is helpful, I have PCOS which I think is at least partially the reason for my low supply.  I took reglan and started mothers milk special blend on Monday.  I have increased my water intake and working on increasing amount I am eating (wasn't eating enough right after his birth).  I am nursing and pumping and having to supplement with formula.  I met with a LC and she weighed him before and after eating and he only got 1/4 ounce of milk from me, which I don't feel like it has increased much because he still takes all of the formula I offer after nursing.  I had one hopefully morning where I woke up and my breasts felt full for the first time, but then he nursed (and didn't need formula) but that never happened again.


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