3rd Trimester

Pothead neighbors

I am looking for advice on dealing with some pothead neighbors of mine.  They light up every single day and the smell consumes my house.  I really don't care if other people want to get high... but when my house smells like pot, I get really really pissed off.  Especially as I am 26 weeks pregnant! 

I asked a friend with the local PD and she said I can call them if I know exactly which unit the smoke is coming from.  But unfortunatley I do not.  So I guess I will have to do a little spying around the complex when I smell it to find out which unit it is for sure. 

I tried the HOA office, but they said they really can't do anything.  Which baffles me.  But they are lame anyway.  I didn't really expect much from them. 

Has anyone dealt with this, or a situation like it, before?

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