
Question about one side producing more than the other...

My right side produces great. My left side, however, produces like a third of what the other side does. My poor little guy is always getting frustrated when I put him on that side. I feel it let down once, he eats for maybe 2 minutes, then gets visibly frustrated, fussing and pulling on the nipple, even relatching and repositioning himself multiple times. I will leave him on that side to try to get another let down, but it never happens and I just end up switching him to the other side. He has had a preference for the right side since birth (even latches differently), so maybe that is part of the reason.

Anyway, is it even possible to up a supply on just one side, without hurting the supply on the other? or am I just going to have to deal with it. My LO is only 7 weeks and I was hoping to BF until 6 months, but this is causing alot of headache for me.


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