3rd Trimester

failed 1 hour glucose :(

So I was planning on calling my ob today because I have had a headache since yesterday after the glucose test. Tried tylenol, caffeine, sleep, hot shower. It even woke me up at 430am when I took another tylenol. Woke up today with less of a headache but still a dull headache.

OB office called me, to let me know I failed my 1 hour glucose (even with fasting after midnight night before). OB told me to take a fioricet and call if it isn't improved.

After much deliberation i took the fioricet about 45minutes ago, Headache is better, but still a little dull. Hoping it goes away. I have work tonight. I'm just frustrated about the glucose test.

Reg monthly ob appt on Friday.

Em BabyFetus Ticker
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