
Pumping at work for a 15 pounder

Just went back to work, didn't punp too regularly prior.  For a 8-9 hour day away from LO I am averaging 16-17 oz pumping (including the one session I do in the morning before we leave) she is 15.5 far she's only eating 7 or 8 oz while I'm away but she hates the bottle and I think is holding out for the boob, but I expect when she adjusts she'll eat more.  I have no clue what she was eating from me prior since I was EBFing....but want to pump as much as she ought to be eating so when she gets used to the bottle my supply is still up....does 16 oz sound right?  Also, she is nursing more at night when I get home than usual but not really all that much, and her diapers are fitting losser already....did anyone's baby have a slightly decreased appetite at first and then regulate out?
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