
XP: Baby Takes Forever to Latch and Suck

Has this happened to anyone else?

 My son will be 2 weeks old on Friday.  Once he starts feeding, he feeds great, it's just getting him to start sucking.  I spend 15-20 minutes at the beginning of each feed just getting him to latch and suck.  He will latch perfectly over and over, but then he will either pull away or just sit there and not suck.  Then, for seemingly no reason, he will decide to latch and drink.  Once he does that, he's fine for the rest of the session (we switch breasts fine, no problems latching or sucking the 2nd time).

I have tried expressing some milk beforehand to get it flowing, but it didn't help.  I don't think it's a strong letdown, as my milk doesn't spray out or anything when he comes off.

Anyone deal with this?  I'm hoping it will get better with time, but it's so frustrating, especially the night feedings!

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