
A few questions for those who EP

A little background on me, my first two children were breast fed for about two weeks at which point I gave up because I was literally in tears every time I would try to put them to the breast because of the pain (bad latch in combination with many other things), and I was stressed out way beyond my limits. This time, if it's possible I'd like to exclusively pump from the very beginning, and I have a few questions for the moms that know more about this

First, when did you start pumping? In the hospital, or did you bf until you brought LO home?

If you began pumping and feeding from a bottle in the hospital, how did you go about doing so (keeping milk, or colostrum rather, cool and also the parts of your pump that need to be kept cool or washed?)

How often did you pump, the same schedule you would feed LO (every two hours during the day and three at night)?

 Am I crazy for thinking that this will help me stick with breast feeding? I'm still expecting some sore/tender nipples for the first bit, but I'm really hoping that by pumping I will be able to eliminate some of the pain and stress. 

Thanks in advance for any responses ladies! I really appreciate it!  

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