3rd Trimester

35 weeks pregnant, should I be concerned or am I over thinking it?

Early in my 8th month I started having some blurred vision which was actually quite painless compared to the auras I usually get with migraines. Also pulsing in my hands feet and face. Doctor told me I was having low blood pressure symptoms, no big deal. Well after most recent ultrasound my due date has jumped forward and I am now in the middle of 35 weeks and things are getting more frequent. Less than a week ago I had two separate occurrences of blurred vision (still minor not anything too hard to handle maybe half a dozen quarter to half dollar sized white spots) and mild headaches. Also one day where a headache lasted for at least 23 hours, which means it still existed even after sleep. However yesterday I woke up with what I would have compared to a full-blown migraine. the entire bottom left of my field of vision was a mass of white pulsing nastiness, the middle of my vision (from top left to bottom right) was still extremely hazy, and the only part of my vision that was even slightly clear was the tipsy top corner on the right almost in my peripheral. I chose to lay in bed to try and "sleep off" what I thought was the onset of a migraine, but the headache didn't come until almost two hours later when my vision started to clear up, and it wasn't a migraine. No where close. Just a LOT of pressure in my temples and the entire back hemisphere of my head. That lasted another couple hours and as it waned the blurry vision came back. It was like that all day up to the mid afternoon. I wasn't in any kind of pain I couldn't handle so I went to work and had mild headache for the rest of the night but no more blurry vision. Today my cheeks have been pulsing off and on, along with my ears feeling like I've got something pushing them form the inside (and its quite painful at times). My chest has been hurting to a mild degree but it feels almost the same as a mild panic attack (which I haven't had in years).
So sitting here, I'm wondering if I'm blowing off something that could be dangerous to me or my baby when its not "too painful" yet. Because that's pretty much the only reason I haven't busted down the door at my OB's or the Hospital, It just isn't NEARLY to the point I can't handle. Maybe I'm just over thinking it, but it will ease my mind to hear what others have to say. Please, fill me in here!
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