
Can't seem to break the cycle.

Looking for suggestions and/or shared experiences.

I cannot seem to break the cycle of supplementing and frequent feedings.

Facts Part 1: We have been supplementing since birth and as much as I try, I cannot stop. DS gets a bottle of formula about every 3 out of 4 days. He drinks between 1-4 oz of this bottle of formula. I give it to him usually in the evenings after I have switched back and forth from breast to breast and we both get frustrated. He stops latching, I try everything under the sun to sooth and distract him. He is hungry and won't take any more breast.

Facts Part 2: DS rarely goes longer than 2 hours between feedings. We are usually at about an hour and a half. This has been going on continuously since 2.5 weeks, so I don't think it's just a growth spurt.

Thoughts/Questions: Do I just have a very hungry baby? Do my expectations with regards to the frequent feedings need to be adjusted (I expected 2-3 hours between at 6 weeks)? How in the heck do I stop the supplementing? Is it possible that with these two things going on that I have a low supply (I know it's rare, but possible)?

Any and all thoughts, suggestions and commiseration are appreciated!

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