Single Parents

Moving update

I previously mentioned I had the opportunity to go live with my mom in Ireland. I have decided to go after my shower and childbirth classes which will be the last week of May. I talked to XBF about it and he was upset at first, but now says he wants me to go, but is still mad that he has to make an effort to be there when she is born. I will just go to the U.S. Embassy after DD is born for the paperwork and her passport to come back. I feel like I can FINALLY breathe again and I'm getting things together after having my world shaken up. Prenatal appointment tomorrow so now I just have to fill in my OBGYN. I'm secretly glad I get to have a different doctor. My current one isn't friendly whatsoever. I don't actually have a question, but in case any of you were wondering, this is what I will do. I may even be able to have an internship with a pastry chef while I am there :)
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