3rd Trimester

Go figure...first procardia, now an induction

So, I was diagnosed with an "irritable uterus" at 32 weeks.  At that point I was put on Procardia to stop contractions.  At 36 weeks, I was taken off the Procardia.  I tend to have large babies (DS1 was born at 37 weeks, weighing 9 lbs. 3 oz.), and this baby is again measuring large.  So, now I will be going in Friday morning for an induction.  My doctor feels the risk of C-section from the induction this week will be less than the risk of C-section at a later point due to the size of the baby. 

With DS 1 my water broke, but I wasn't contracting, so I basically had an induction then too.  However, for some reason, I'm absolutely petrified for going in Friday morning.  I think it's just knowing when it's going to happen that I'm struggling with.  

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