3rd Trimester

what annoys you? Here's my list

People who can't keep their nose out of their phone for more than 3 second... teenagers, adults.... i dont care how old you are- if you are sitting in a room full of people and u can't keep ur damn eyes off your phone IT IS RUDE!

Clearing your plate from the table before everyone else is done. 

Employees who can't complete their closing duties

People who wear perfume or cologn to a hot yoga class (yuck)

people who make mean snarky comments when not appropriate

people who pass their irrational fears along to their kids

Employees who take it upon themselves to purchase things for the studio that I did not approve (which may sound stupid- but it is candles, and the candles STINK!)

the fact that i can't sleep on my stomach

the fact that spell check does not automatically happen on this piece of $hit computer...

geeze I could go on and on.. but right now there is the top ones on my list.

How about any of you?

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