3rd Trimester

markers for down syndrome

I am 30 weeks along with twins. A boy and a girl. The boy has been monitored more closely than the girl for several reasons that is now getting me very worried due to being soft markers for down syndrome. The boy around 20 weeks was showing an EIF on his heart and it was also noted to be there around 23-24 weeks. In additional his kidneys were enlarged and it was called pyelectasis. They have continued to monitor his kidneys at one point they were at 4mm then back down to 2 or 3 mm. Now at 30 weeks the kidneys are back up to around 6-7mm. The doctor did not mention any concern with a marker for down syndrome but when I looked it up online that came up as a marker along with an EIF. I was found to be at the lowest risk for having a child with down syndrome and declined the amnio but now I am worried that there is something seriously wrong the doctors are not telling me. Has anyone else ever experienced this or know any information about this? Thanks so much. I am making myself sick over this now. 
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