3rd Trimester

Not sure what to do about job after baby

So financially I think we can swing it for me to be out of work for awhile after baby.  How long though, I am not sure.  Currently, we have no childcare set up. We are planning to move to a different part of the city when baby is 3 months old.  My job will hold my position until then so I will have the option to go back to work at 3 months. But I don't know if I will want to put baby in daycare at that time. I want to just work part-time, but as of yet I have been too scared to run this past my boss or office manager.  DH has said that I should just wait until I go back to see if they will let me work part-time.  It's so hard to know how I am going to feel about it until baby is actually here....
Alison & Britten-Married April 16, 2011 in Miami Beach Farrah Ann arrived May 4, 2012- 6 weeks early! 5 lbs 6 oz. and 19 1/4 inches Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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