3rd Trimester

GD Test today

Really I just wanted to share what my day has been like. All morning I had trouble keeping food down and finally it was time for me to drink the Nasty orange drink. (Orange soda will never be the same again. lol) I was so afraid it was going to come back up on my drive over but I somehow managed to keep it down. Anyway so I got there told the receptionist what time I finished the drink and was taken back to have blood drawn. However when I was back there they notified me that I hadn't been given all of the blood tests at my old doctor's office ( I switched because I started to feel uncomfortable delivering at the hospital they were affiliated with.) So they took all of the blood they needed. The Glucose, Check Iron, Rubella, CF, and something else. But it made me very happy to switch doctor's when I found out that I hadn't been tested for all the necessary tests. Anyway now I am just awaiting the results and hoping that everything comes back ok! Fingers Crossed!!
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