3rd Trimester

Worried about 5ths disease exposure after dr's appt.

Last week we found out that my daughter has 5ths disease.  I called my OB and they did a blood test.  Yesterday the nurse calls me and tells me the test was negative but that I am not immune so repeat the test in 2 weeks.  I see my OB today for a regular appt and her 1st question to me is "are you staying away from your daughter?"  No one told me I needed to stay away from her and that she was already past the contagious part since she has had the rash.  So we proceed to talk about what will happen if the test turns positive and she tells me that the baby could get hydrops and could be fatal!  Ok, so now I am going to be crazy with worry for the next 2 weeks waiting to get tested again!!    Does anyone know of being exposed around 28 weeks, being not immune and everything has been ok?  I am so worried!! 

Thanks for any input!  Karen

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