3rd Trimester

Anyone else dreading the hospital???

Hey Ladies,

As the clock ticks down, I am trying to remember what was great and what wasn't with my last delivery.  Although I am a huge fan of natural child birth, DH and I feel that we are most comfortable in a hospital.  That being said...I am not looking forward to going back there.

With DS, I had a bad experience with this hospital but my doctor does not deliver anywhere else (Ex:  refusing to check me even though I was complete, lost my paper work before arrival, was told that I would have to get my own ice packs after a pretty impressive tear and being utterly humiliated by the lactation consultant.)

Add that to the hourly blood pressure/temp checks, the food, the never getting any sleep and just an all out feeling of "I WANT TO GO HOME"  I am dreading going back.

I know a lot of women who never wanted to leave the hospital.  Anyone in the same boat and dreading going back?

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