3rd Trimester

Out of town guests due in - UPDATE

First, thank you ALL for the feedback yesterday.  I needed it.  Everyone in my "real" life has been telling me the same things but I was convinced I'd find someone out there that would say, you'll be fine, don't worry about it.  You won't notice the extra guests.... no such luck!!

 After an entire day of obsessing about it and talking to literally everyone I could about it, my sister advised me that the best thing to do would be to tell my DH that I spoke to my doctor and they said that unless that kind of exposure is by anyone other than a sibling, it won't be good for our LO.  So, I carefully chose my words and told my DH that it no longer had anything to do with my discomfort, I could deal with that, but now my doctor was asking if I knew what kind of vaccines this other child had had, and how sick he has been as a child and all of that.  I explained to my DH that now I felt like a bad mother because I didn't even think about the health risks this visit could impose (ok,ok, I embellished!!)  The more I spoke to him about it, the more concerned I got.  I started to realize that this will not be a passing visitor but someone that will be in our home for a week!  So, I think my maternal instincts kicked in and I'm going to bat for our unborn baby girl.  It's ok that I'll benefit from it and spare a huge argument about how I'm too uptight... 

Long story short, my husband was irritated (not with me) that now he has to make this phone call to his best friend whom he told could come almost 6 months ago.... I told my DH that in our defense, we are new at this and THEY are the ones that have been through it... shouldn't they have known??  So... I know he hasn't called him yet but I know he will.  I could tell that he started to get concerned.  So, pressure is off me and onto him!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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