
Heartbroken- DD refusing breast :(

I am not sure whats going on... she always gets a little fussy and cluster feeds at night, but always ends up taking the breast eventually.  Last night I couldn't get her to latch because she was hysterical and smacking and flailing her arms and legs. I eventually (after 2 hrs of trying to get her to latch) gave her 3oz of EBM.  She had such a hard time falling asleep and didn't eat for very long during her middle of the night feedings, but she did latch on.  She ate pretty well for her morning feed, but did fuss a little.  I now she won't take th breast again and is hysterical.  I keep trying and trying but she won't even close her mouth over it.  My mom is now giving her 2.5 oz of EBM so I can check to see if I am producing and its coming out just fine.  I don't know what to do. I want to get her back on the breast :(  I will pump while shes taking the bottle just to make sure she has fresh milk if she won't take the breast, but I hope this passes.  Has anyone else experienced this?



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