3rd Trimester

Protein deficiency? Anyone?

Hey mamas,

I am 28 weeks preggers and for almost two months straight every time I would eat it would be like someone turned out the lights. Within 15 minutes of eating I would pass out. Not that I simply was tired and needed a nap, or even like when you eat too much and get sleepy. This was full on incapable of  controlling myself falling asleep. This is scary for many reasons but mostly because I have two little boys 1 and 2 and it isn't safe to let them run around while mommy is passed out on the couch.

I called my doctor and explained what was going on and she said it was a protein deficiency. All she said was to eat almost no carbs and all protein. O.K........so since she gave me no more information I went and did some research on my own, (I know I know, the internet diagnosis..) anyways, I found nothing but very negative things related to this problem. The most connected thing I could find was called papp-a which is the protein associated with pregnant women. From what I could read there is nothing I can do to make this problem better. Even eating all the protein in the world I won't be able to fix the issue. 

Everything is telling me that by eliminating carbs and increasing protein it can cause all kinds of issues for baby. Developmental problems, low birth weight, pre-term labor, etc.. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and what you did about it. I have a dr. appointment tomorrow but I wanted to see if anyone had any input to give me?

This is crazy scary for me since this is my third baby and the first time I have had any problems or concerns. I am doing as much as I can to avoid any carbs since even a few cause me to almost go into a coma. This is really strenuous and means I haven't gained any weight in more than a month. Obviously that is not good and great at the same time :) *laughs*. But seriously, anyone have any info? The internet has very little to offer and my doctor hasn't been much help. 

Thanks everyone!

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