
Advice? Info? Can I try BF again after exclusively pumping?

I've been pumping exclusively since we came home from the hospital almost 3 months ago. I had really inverted nipples that would not stay out even while wearing the shields while BFing and shells when I wasn't. I've been doing okay on my milk supply until recently. He's eating so much more, and although I'm pumping every 3-4 hours during the day he's still hungry afterwards and we're having to supplement with formula more at night, which breaks my heart. I've never been able to get ahead and freeze or store any milk. I'm taking fenugreek and Gaia lactation support pills, drinking mother's milk tea, and drinking a ton of liquids. I am drinking some caffeine, if that has anything to do with it. If I try putting him to breast will that help anything? Will it only confuse him, since he's been used to bottle nipples since birth? I don't know what to do. I'm not going to stop pumping or anything, even if we have to supplement more and more with formula. Please help if you can. 
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