
Nipple Shield ?

I BF my DS for an entire year and he was a champ, I never had any problems with him, so I (wrongly) assumed that this time would be the same.  HA!

DD has a hard time latching on, keeps latching on and off, dribbles milk everywhere, and cries during feedings. She was arching her back and had red faced hurting cries, but has been on reflux medicine for a week now.  DS had reflux, so we just assumed that was the problem and everything would be okay.  The initial problems listed above are still an issue, so I called a LC.  She thinks that I could have an overactive letdown, so she suggested a nipple shield.

I tried it last night and it WILL NOT stay on!  I tried putting lanolin on the outside edge and inverting it to put it on and it stays on, UNTIL DD latches, then it peels up, covers her face, and the milk just dribbles everywhere.  FAIL.

Sorry about the long back story... if you got this far, I have two questions...

1.  How do you get the nipple shield to stay?

2.  If you have dealt with the issues that I have described above, did the nipple shield help?

Thank you for any and all help!

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