
Sharp pains in breasts before milk is in??

I just had my baby on Friday 4-20. I started breastfeeding right after my c-section (about an hour) and fed for the past 2-1/2 days every 2-3 hours in the day and 3-4 hours at night just fine (my milk is not in at this point). I woke up to feed this morning and noticed that there was a severe sharp pain ("in" the breast not the nipple) on my left side but not the right. After being discharged I came home only to find that I'm experiencing this pain in both breast during feedings now. It hurts to the point of tears. I called the lactation consultant at our hospital and she said this was normal and it was an indication of milk let down meaning that my milk would be in soon. Did anyone else experience this? It hurts so bad and I almost dread feedings. I really need some advice/input b/c if it continues to hurt like this I will have to bottle feed. TIA

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