3rd Trimester

Irritable uterus?

Anybody have one? 

I've been having really frequent BH ever since March, particularly at work/when I'v ebeen on my feet a lot...then Sunday night they were coming every 3-5 minutes on and off for a few hours (despite me having had a super lazy day).  I went to L + D and they monitored me and did all the prelabour tests (checked my cervix, checked for amniotic fluid, did a test to see if I would go into labour in the next 2 weeks...can't remember the name).  Everything was negative.  My Dr. is concerned that I am developing an "irritable uterus" which could lead to preterm labour...going in tomorrow to chat...she has me off work now for a few days and was talking about me maybe going off long term (I work with kids and am on my feet all day).

Anybody have any experience with this? 

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