
Best bottle for breastfeeding...

Ladies,Future FTM here with some guidance needed please:Here is my situation and any suggestions would be great.  Also, I really like the idea of glass if possible, but it isn't an absolute must. I do know everyone says to register for one of many and let LO choose, so which ones should I register for based on my lifestyle... I plan to breastfeed strictly weeks 1-6 to establish my supply, form a routine, and get LO latch on, etc.  Then I will slowly introduce a bottle with breast milk since after my 12 weeks, I have to return to work 3 days a week (other 2 days will work from home).  So my sister and DH will be helping feed my milk to LO with the bottle when I can't breastfeed naturally myself.Any suggestions on which bottles I should register for and why?  Details please!Thanks sooooooo much!!! 
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