3rd Trimester

intro and Q on best time to adopt a dog

Hi there, I was just kindly informed by 2nd tri board that it is time that I scoot on over here...I'm 27 week today.  So hi!  How time flies...

Anyway, I have a sudden urge to adopt a dog.  Our two dogs passed away over the past 2 years and I miss having one.  I saw a woman walking with her infant while pushing a stroller with one hand and holding a dog leash with another.  I want that!

Should we adopt one before LO arrives?  Or after a certain number of weeks?  Or not at all since we're first-time parents and don't really have a clue what we're in for?

For me the question is around time, not money.  And how timing of bringing a new baby and new dog in the home would work best.

Any insight or words of wisdom to share?  I'm open to anything at this point.  TIA!

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