3rd Trimester

glucose test strip question

I had my glucose test at 24 weeks and got a 132, which my Dr. said was normal (but now I'm reading sometimes the cutoff is 130 and not 140?).  Anyway, I always pee on a glucose/protein test strip at every visit and it has always been normal / stayed yellow.  At last week's visit (30 weeks) the glucose piece of the test strip turned light green, one above the normal yellow (strip said 50 something of sugar in urine).  I mentioned to Dr and nurse but they kind of brushed it off as being from something I ate.  I'm now concerned GD may have developed and am anxious to go back again and test on another strip to see if it is still elevated.

Does anyone know what they scored on their glucose test and what their OB considers "normal," and also has anyone ever had their test strip turn green but it turned out to be nothing out of the ordinary / not GD?

Thanks for any advice!  I'm nervous now...

BFP 10/17/11 Due 6/24/12 Baby Girl! BabyFruit Ticker
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