
I need help.

I've been feeling overwhelmed by life lately. No need to really go into detail here, because that's not what I need help with. I started smoking again. I smoke up to 5 cigarettes a day and I've realized that is too much and I want to cut down or maybe even quit again if I can. I'm just afraid of having a meltdown if I do quit because they help calm my nerves when I feel the tension building. I have noticed a slight decrease in my supply. I am also on the minipill, which could also be effecting it as well. I have enough for LO to directly feed him, it's just when I'm pumping I rarely pump 3 oz, most of the time it is between 1-2 oz and I want more than that.

My question is, in the meantime, what can I do to help increase my supply so I can pump more? I'm also afraid of my supply going down so much to the point that I have to give up breastfeeding all together. I would feel like an absolute failure if I had to give it up because I ruined my supply...

P.s . please don't lecture me about the smoking, I know it's bad.

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