3rd Trimester

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea?

I have heard from people that it's good to drink red raspberry leaf tea during your third trimester, some add that it's believed to help tone the uterus and prepare it for labor/childbirth. Everything I've found stating this in print or online so far only seems to mentions it as a result of anecdotal evidence, rather citing any kind of "proof"? I'm more than willing to try it, was just curious if there's been any studies done, or if they know why it helps? Certainly seems to be plenty of companies out there selling it for this express purpose...

I tried looking up information online over the weekend, but didn't find much of anything concrete to support the idea, just statements that it has been used for centuries during pregnancy. Was wondering if there's anything out there to support the belief that it's helpful, or is this more of a "well, it couldn't hurt" kind of thing? 

I don't mean to question anyone else's practices or beliefs with this question, so I hope nobody takes this as a criticism of any kind. I'm genuinely curious and just want to learn/understand more.

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