
4 weeks, trying to stop supplementing

Due to low diaper output and weight gain, we started supplementing fairly early on.  I've been working diligently to get my supply up by pumping after every feeding.  We've been stable on about 8 oz of supplement for the past week.  The past few days, I've only had to use about 2 oz of formula/day.  The rest of the supplement was all pumped breastmilk.  I would really like to be able to go back to EBF.  This nursing/bottlefeeding/pumping routine is getting old. 

The last weighed feeding DD had she got 63 mL, so she is getting milk.  I'm usually able to pump another 15-25 mL immediately after feeding.  I think she could transfer milk better if her latch were better.  My problem is that I can never tell that the latch is bad until after the feeding is over.  The LCs tell me that my nipple should be round when she's done.  It usually comes out looking like the end of a tube of lipstick.  I know this is a sign of a shallow latch.  However, I have no pain when she's feeding, so I'm not sure how to tell if her latch is good during a feeding. 

Any tips for getting her to latch better?  I've looked at videos and pictures.  I try to point my nipple at her nose and "scoop" up the areola and nipple with her mouth when she opens wide.  I have trouble getting her to keep her mouth wide open long enough.  Also, how can I tell during a feeding if the latch is good or not?

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