3rd Trimester

2 questions!

What is everyone doing for exercise in the 3rd tri? 

All the way up to about a week ago, I was doing 20 minutes on the elliptical and a small routine with weights (about 30 minutes total) 4-5 days a week. Then... everything went straight down the tube. I am exhausted! To the point of where I just cannot force myself on the elliptical, and I only tried about twice to use my weights (just to get some exercise). Honestly, I think it may be due to the crazy allergies/congestion I am having. I can barely sleep at night, thus I am a zombie during the day. 

Second question - has anyone else had allergies that turned into a sinus infection? I can't tell what's going on, but I swore it was allergies at first. It came on about a week and a half ago, and I had typical allergy symptoms (itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, clear runny nose..) but now I have ridiculous pressure in my head behind my eyes, and really thick mucous (gross, sorry) a slight sore throat, no coughing though- and it just won't subside! I called my ob, and she said to take claritin - which has done nothing. I just hope it's not a sinus infection. Any ladies have this issue?  I'm just looking for advice, and I realize I will end up calling my doctor too - Simply curious.

Thanks! :)
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