3rd Trimester

tips to help baby drop into position?

i am hoping for a VBAC and since DS never descended i am totally all about forcing this baby down and out :) i need any tips you've heard as to how to get the baby in position!

someone recommended the site spinningbabies.com so i'm going to check that out.

i'd *prefer* not chiropractic only because the two times in my life i've tried it (two different chiropractors) i really didn't love my experiences with them.

i used acupuncture to help me get pregnant so i'm a believer in it--but not sure it helps the baby move down.

any other tips you've heard?

diagnosed with stage IV endo via lap surgery IVF #1 - 27 eggs! 14 fertilized (3 natural, 11 ICSI) 5dt of A embryo, froze 6 BFP on 9/28! Baby K born via surprise c-section after 15 hrs of labor and he is perfect!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

frozen transfer a success! boy #2 via VBAC Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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