Single Parents

Online Dating NOT going well :/

I have met one guy so far. He seemed really promising, we had a lot in common according to our profiles. he contacted me first. We emailed a bit then exchanged numbers. Then we texted a bit and maybe after two days had an actual phone call.

It lasted 3 hours! We had a lot in common and it just seemed like we really clicked.

We talked daily that week.

We were supposed to have a date 4/14. Earlier that week he realized his train to work puts him right outside of where I work so we had an early  meeting. He walked me to my bus and kissed me on the cheek before he left when it arrived .

Then Friday he said he has to postpone the date for another week due to working late. I said OK I understand. He hasn't called since...

I sent an email after about 4 days asking if I said or did something to put him off ( lame I know but I just had to know if I needed to fix something about my behavior or something) he wrote back and said no I'm awesome and he can't wait to talk to me again and that he'd call that night.

No call...

WTF? I have current pictures on the site , both up close and full length so it cant be my looks, right? I am just so frustrated...

And apparently my profile has been viewed over 1100 times... But only that one guy showed any interest...

Pity party for one, right here...

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