Single Parents

Divorce/debt question.

So me and the STBXH separated Nov 1st, he has since aquired over $10000 in debt plus the car he decided to keep (another $15000), I filed for legal separation sometime in Jan and Im filing for divorce this month (I had to live int he state for awhile) He has said multiple time as well as in writing he will assume the debt.

 Will this work in court? He hasnt responded to me seriving him or called in for the mediation. We have our custody case on the 3rd and he probably wont show up for that. He pretty much wants to take the debt and wants us to disappear... Im cool with that :)

And my LO starts daycare tomorrow!!! SOOOOO nervous but Ill finally be able to provide for us.

If you have experience with divorce/debt id love to hear from you

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