
What's wrong with baby? Please help

LO is 3wks old.  I can't tell if he has reflux or if it's just gas.  Here's what it's looked like the last few days:

He nurses frequently, usually every 2hrs(sometimes more).  Lately, when he's nursing, he gets a sour look on his face.  Sometimes he cries and other times he just curls up his body like his tummy hurts.  He burps fine after eating and toots pretty frequently.  I can tell he's in pain but am not sure if I need to make an appt for the pedi tomorrow or just try Mylicon drops.

He's been crying when he curls his body up so I know it hurts.  This just started today (the crying), so now I'm worried about him.  He's also having trouble sleeping.  Thanks in advance for any advice.

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