
for those w/ one "good" boob & one "bad" boob. Please help

I am trying to figure out how to best BF my LO.  I think my left boob only produces 2oz while my right boob can produce at least 5oz.  At least when I pump that's how much each boob produces. 

I am worried that 1) DD is not getting enough to eat.  Lately she wakes up from an hour long nap crying as if she hasn't eaten in 5 hrs.  She used to sleep for 3hr naps so, is she not napping as long because she's hungry?

and 2) I worry she is not getting enough hindmilk. If she feeds for a very short time on my bad boob and switches over to my good boob but doesn't drain it, then maybe she's not getting the good stuff.  She has also had more watery BM's lately.   

Should I only feed her from my good boob? 

She won't take a bottle either which stinks because there is a ton of frozen BM in the freezer. 


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