3rd Trimester

Do you think I'm crazy

I am looking for thoughts on this from all other mothers or moms to be. I have had several complications with this pregnancy not with the baby but with my health. My gall bladder is so bad they want to remove it but due to my history of miscarriage they wont until after I give birth, I had stage 2 hypertension prior to getting pregnant and it looks like I may be developing pre eclampsia at this point. I'm on super restrictive diet to try and maintain my gall bladder along with a lot of prescription drugs including percoset. On the positive our son has been developing beautifully he is huge at least 4.5lbs now they think over 9lbs if I go full term he has passed every exam flying colors. Now here is the part where I need advice, Friday is my  weekly appointment with my OB. I am thinking of asking her to induce me a month early. Not for convenience sake but because of my deteriorating health with my gall bladder. Even with the prescription drugs the pain and throwing up  persist and are very hard on me. The other thing is my OB's partner is also pregnant and due at the same time as I. I'm very worried that my OB's maternity leave or partners labor will coincide with mine and with everything going on with me I'm not really sure I want some oncall unaware of me stepping in last minute. I'm clearly going to discuss everything with my Dr. but I'd like to know what other women who have been through it think. 
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