3rd Trimester

Survey: Would you like faster newborn screening results?

Hi everyone,

I'm a graduate student at MIT and Harvard Medical School. A classmate and I are developing an on-site newborn screening test for detecting easily treatable diseases. The doctor would perform the test and discuss results with the parents before the newborn leaves the hospital.
While newborn screening is mandated across the country, the current process requires sending off samples of the newborn's blood to a lab for analysis. By the time parents hear back about the results, it has been days or weeks since the sample was collected. Sometimes parents will not hear back at all if the results are normal.

We would like to understand how much new or expecting parents would value our product, which would let parents know key results before leaving the hospital with their newborn. We hope you can complete a brief survey, which is anonymous and takes up to five minutes, about the proposed test.

Many thanks!
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